Texas Music Venues Database

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Booking shows just got a whole lot easier 🥳

Up-to-date contact info for over 1000 Texas music venues and festivals with more added daily.

Check out the free version 👉 https://airtable.com/shrhxnmzIBOHY8cIa

Don’t waste another hour researching venues— just pop open this database and click-to-send emails to bookers all over Texas. You’ll be booking new gigs in no time. Get started today! 🚀



How many venues are in the database?

As of today there are 1,068 Texas music venues and festivals listed in the database. I update contact info and add more every day!

Who is this product for?

This product is for the independent musician who’s looking to take his or her career to the next level. If you’ve got 45+ minutes of music, then this database is exactly what you need to fill your show schedule with great gigs all over Texas.

Got a question I didn't answer? please email me at tyler@venuesworldwide.com.


Subscribe now to get access to a premium, members-only Airtable with up-to-date contact info for over 1000 Texas music venues and festivals with more added daily.

Click-To-Send Emails
No more typos! No more copy-pasting! No more screen-switching! Just click Send Email to open a new email autopopulated with the venue and booker info.
Click-To-Map Venues
Simply click to open up a venue on Google Maps to see it's location, estimate drive time, and more!
24/7/365 Email Support
Got a question? Want to request a new feature? Just email me at tyler@venuesworldwide.com - I'm here to help!
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$9 a month

Texas Music Venues Database

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